Thursday, January 9, 2014


Christmas was exciting this year, because it is our first Christmas with our first grand child =D EXCITING!!! 

Becca, Ben and I took Jeremiah to the Christmas parade - it was SO cold!!
Ben was COLD

Sitting on the parade route TRYING to stay warm

He was asleep until it started. So sweet

Bubbee and J-man

Lil'momma and J'man

Those blue eyes!!

He was really to young to understand what was going on.  I think he enjoyed it just because he was with us.

We brought Jeremiah to our office Christmas luncheon, where he was a huge hit.  Our family doesn't really do Santa, but there is a lady that we work with that dresses up as Mrs. Claus and has her husband dresses as Santa - so we did get a picture of J-man checking them out.  I think the look on his face is kind of all telling - like "tell me again what's the deal with the white beard?" hehe.
"what's with the whiskers?"

This one is just too cute not to post

Check out the tux onesie!!

We went to Church for Christmas Eve service, I snapped a few shots while there

Christmas morning 2013!  We started the day by opening gifts between Scott, Ben and I.  We had a Doctor Who and food theme this year.  Scott got a bath robe with the Fourth Doctor's scarf as the collar line, and a bumper sticker that says "My other Car is the TARDIS".  Ben got a pull over hoodie that is blue and has the Police Box on the front.  For food, I got a one pound Snickers bar and Scott got a necktie that looks like strips of bacon!  Here is a picture of the tie, and a collage of the others items =D

Our family celebration was at Nick and Becca's house this year.  All inclusive, there were 16 of us (Becca, Jeremiah, Nick, Nicks parents, 3 siblings and one sister-in-law; Scott Ben and I, Scott's parents and my parents).  It was quite a crew, and quite a fun time for all.  We started with opening gifts after everyone got there. I received a lovely framed cross stitch for our back door from Nick's mom that reads "You are now entering the Mission Field".

 I also got a puzzle piece charm  for my charm bracelet from Becca (she knows me so well).  Scott got a picture made of wine corks, quite whimsical.  Ben got a Beariodic Table picture (a spoof on the Periodic Table with gummy bears as the cubes). Jeremiah's big gift was a car-walker =D he has been enjoying it ever since.  Here are a few pictures as an overcap of the fun had by all.

Greatgranddaddy Bubba and J-man

The car was a huge success

IS this kid cute or WHAT??

We all had a very blessed time.  Laughter, love, food and fellowship.  It was just so much fun!