Monday, September 26, 2011

God's Gift (a note I wrote to our daughter on her 18th birthday)


On this day, eighteen years ago, 11/25/91, God shared His grace upon us and brought into this world a gift, a joy, a light - and much much more. Our whirlwind trip into parenthood was just beginning - and the ride has been well worth it.

A gift - in that she had been very long awaited. A gift in that we were reminded of God’s faithfulness. Even though we may stray, or think He isn’t listening, doesn’t care, or doesn’t see our pain - He is always listening, always caring, and always faithful. It was also a reminder that we should always wait on His timing, not our own timing.

A gift in that even with her birthdate God showed us that He has a sense of humor - He gave us something to always be even more thankful for at Thanksgiving time.

She was born two weeks late, born purple, with fluid on her lungs and a severe lazy eye. No, we did not get to hear the strong cry that fills the room when a child is born. What we heard was a barely strangled gurgle as they rushed her to NICU. Another test from God - wanting us to remember to rely on Him. We didn’t get to hold her until she was 2 day’s old - and then it was with surgical gear on for fear of contamination. She stayed in the hospital after I was discharged - but we did get to bring her home on Thanksgiving day - God’s blessing!!

The doctors were already talking about surgery for her lazy eye. They were wanting to take care of it as soon as possible. We didn’t have to worry about that because God had gotten her this far, He would see her and us through this as well. Yet again, God had other plans. Six weeks after she was born we were in front of the church family (Laurel Park UMC at the time) for her baby dedication/baptism. When our pastor handed her back to me, her eyes were staring at me as straight as could be. When we took her back to the doctor for her follow up and to schedule the surgery - he could not believe that they were straight and was totally blown away.

So - suffice it to say God has given us multiple gifts within the last 18 years revolving around this special little gift. We pray constantly that we are living up to that gift, and attempting with His help to raise her up in as Godly fashion as possible. God had and still has His hand on our Baby girl - may her life show His love and light to those around her for the duration of her life.

We love you Becca!!! Always look to God for your guidance, and you will not go astray! Remember that when you are standing in struggle and can’t see a path, by falling to your knee’s before God, He will make one visible.

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