Tuesday, July 22, 2014


We took Jeremiah for his first official peach picking adventure.    The llamas decided they hadn't been on a trip in a while and wanted to tag along to help out.
 Jeremiah enjoyed their company in the back seat.  We went  to Chiles Orchard in Crozet.  We hadn't been before so it was an adventure just getting there.  They are a very popular place, because both parking lots were slam full!  The folks that worked there were so nice.  They had all sorts of fresh fruit, but we were after peaches. 

We did buy some peach donuts and some peach cider though!!
Jeremiah enjoyed the picking (when we lifted him up to get them from the trees),

but I think he enjoyed the eating even more!! 

We only picked a bag full, but bought a 1/2 bushel so we would cook and can with them. 
By the time we got home the llamas were exhausted!!  I don't know if they were exhausted from the peaches or Jeremiah or a combination of both =D

A couple of days after we went we finally got down to canning.  Scott and Becca were the primary canners while I was tasked with the job of entertaining Jeremiah.
We had just bought him new shoes,
so I put his shoes on him and decided to take him outside to break them in.  He decided to teach me how to roll down a hill - several times.  Luckily we have no pictures of that - hehehe.  After we had played for quite a while, we went inside and found  that the canning crew was done.
Next year we will probably buy a whole bushel to can and cook with!!  Next adventure??  Apple picking in the fall.

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