Wednesday, December 17, 2014


The other day a friend saw Scott drop me at the door of our office building, then pull off.  They asked where he was going, to which I replied to park the car.  They laughed and told me that he was spoiling me. I was not offended at the remark, as it was said in jest. I chuckled and said, maybe but I sure was glad that I had found a keeper of a husband.

It did get me to thinking though.  Why is it that when husbands do things like dropping their wives at the front door of a building in bad weather, or opening the car door for them, or carrying in groceries for them, or not letting them carry babies and baby carriers (the list could go on forever), that the world see's the wife as spoiled?  I think it's another example of the world trying to mess up something that God has put in place. 

Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for her Eph5:25

So husbands ought to love their own wives as their own bodies; he who loves his wife loves himself. Eph5:28

Husbands, love your wives and do not be bitter toward them. Col 3:19

Husbands, likewise, dwell with them with understanding, giving honor to the wife, as to the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life, that your prayers may not be hindered. 1Peter 3:7

These are but a few of the verses in the bible that reflect that a husbands love is supposed to be an example of Christ's love for the church.  He gave His life for that love.

Scott and I go to the grocery store together.  When we get home he carries the groceries into the house while I put them away.  He isn't trying to spoil me, he is showing me love.  He also pumps the gas into my car the majority of the time.  Again, he is doing this out of love.

When I was still lived at home I can remember my father, and also my brother, going out on cold mornings and starting my car so I wouldn't have to get into a cold car. Were they spoiling me? No, they were showing me love and an example of how men should be towards women.  I remember my father driving my mother back and forth to work when she worked on weekends because he didn't want her to drive at night alone.  Was he spoiling her?  No, he was showing her love, and showing his children how much he loved their mother. 

I also remember after Becca was born and we lived with Scott's grandfather him starting my car for me  and carrying Becca in her car seat to the car because he said it was to heavy for me because I was pregnant with Ben at the time.  He was 70 years old, I was 28.

So am I spoiled, or have I been surrounded by men who know and remember how to show love as Christ also loved the church?  I know which answer is correct for me, you can decide for yourself – or let the world decide for you.

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