Thursday, January 18, 2024



I've had this Kitchen Aide mixer for over 35 years.  I was making a Brown sugar caramel pound cake, 


and it died. . . just died. . in the middle of mixing.  It's a heavy batter but this machine has handled much heavier.  I finished the mix by hand and waited for hubby to take a look at it.  After taking it apart (which was very challenging by the way - see pictures)










 we determined that the brushes were just a tad too short.


  Ordered some on Amazon for a fix and YAY!!  My mixer is back!  On to my next baking adventure - Halva Apple bars.

We also got some snow at Crumptonland - first snow over 2 inches in a while. Here is a show of the trees in front of the house.


 It was pretty coming down and is shallow enough that it will melt relatively quickly.  We are in a terrible cold snap currently so the melting is SLOW - we are also expecting some more snow tonight, what they call a dusting. . . we will see.  My poor chickens are not too fond of the snow.  We got these breed of chicken because they are heat and cold resistant, but they still grumble with the cold as they grumbled when we got over 100 degrees several days last summer.  On cold days I give them a warm treat in addition to their normal feed, as well as giving them frozen blueberries and watermelon rind in the summertime.  They enjoy treats any time, but warm during cold snaps and frozen during heat is their favorite I think.

Well I think that's it for now, I will post a picture of the Halva apple bars next, as well as update on any fun happenings!!  Toodles.

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