Sunday, January 7, 2024




 So it's been a WHILE since I've posted - like 2019. Whoopsy.  I am in the process of adding more recipes, per my son's request, so I thought I'd do a quick synopsis of what's been up at Crumptonland.  In December of 2019 my parents moved in with my brother due to health reasons.  


We had to clean out their house, list it, and get them settled into his house.  My brother and his wife were a huge blessing in this area as we already had my daughter's family living in the basement here. In 2020, of course Covid put a halt to loads of things, but we kept plugging.  It was a blessing to have my daughter here because we were not cut out of our entire families life as many were.  As it was we could not visit my parents, or Scott's parents nor could my son come over BUT we did have Becca's crew here so that was much better than other folks.  They were able to move out and into their own place in April of that year.  At around the same time Scott's mom started having some health issues (not Covid related, she broke her leg falling from a dizzy spell), so we put on an addition to our house.  We had just signed the paper work for the addition, and sadly she passed away at the end of 2020.  We decided to go ahead with the addition, so in July of 2021 it was complete. Here are some before and after shots.


Patio before the addition



After the addition

  In late 2021 my mom started having some additional health issues.  She was admitted to the hospital in January of 2022.  It was a challenge for my brother and sister in law having to shuffle my father between their house and the hospital, meet with doctors and care specialists AND work every day, so we were working on getting her moved to a facility closer to us. With Scott and I being both retired we thought as a family that it would be the best move for our parents and everyone involved.  We moved my dad in to our house in February of 2022.  We had made arrangements to move my mom the following week, but she passed away the morning they were going to move her.

Dad settled in here pretty well considering he had lost his wife of 64 years. 


 We were able to contact most of his former doctors from when he lived at their home in the area and they were excited to have him back as a patient.  He is 95 percent blind, as well as hearing impaired so life can be challenging at times but God has given us this mission field and we tackle it with His guidance daily.  We had been walking daily, up to 4 miles, but his eyes have impaired our ability to walk - so we bought him an exercise bike that he rides daily.

In April of 2023 we purchased 8 chickens!! 


Two of my barred rocks, Bertha and Squeaks

My sweet Red Star Rocket - she loves her cuddles

 My grandmother raised chickens and I love having them around.  We have way to many hawks for them to free range but we have a chicken tractor and run that we move around our yard so they can kind of free range.  Speaking of hawks, the chickens got out when the coop door blew open one afternoon and a hawk caught one just as I realized the run was open.  I was able to save the chicken, beat the snot out of the hawk and secure all of them in for the night.  Other than being in shock, the chicken that was caught turned out fine.  We did lose one due to old age at the end of November (we bought 4 barred rocks from a friends who did not know their age, and 4 younger red star pullets from a friend who had an over abundance.)

Not much has happened other than that - oh so brief - catch up.  I am working on adding some of our favorite recipes, as well as some more pictures.  Hopefully I will be more active in posting. 


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